
9 Years Since Goblet of Fire Film!

I solemnly swear I am up to no good!

Today nine years ago Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire first appeared on screens. The movie is really good, but as in the other movies some (in my opinion) really important scenes have been left out or have been changed.

I really don't like the scene with the Hungarian Horntail during the First Task. To make the movie more interesting and to add some action to it, the dragon frees itself from the ropes that are MAGICALLY binding it. So that's just impossible, sorry Mike Newell.

I think every HP fan would have loved the movie to last forever, since I personally can never get enough of Harry Potter. It would've been great to add some scenes and characters from the books! I miss Winky and Dobby in the 4th movie! And why is Barty Crouch Jr. using Morsmordre on the campsite and not in the woods?
All those little differences between book and movie are being noticed by fans of the series...

Here's one of my favourite scenes from Goblet of Fire, mostly because I loooooove Fred and George! What is your favourite scene? Let me know!

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Mischief Managed!


Drawing: Bundimun

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!


Bundimuns are found worldwide. Skilled at creeping under floorboards and behind skirting boards, they infest houses. The presence of a Bundimun is usually announced by a foul stench of decay. The Bundimun oozes a secretion which rots away the very foundations of the dwelling in which it is found.
The Bundimun at rest resembles a patch of greenish fungus with eyes, though when alarmed it will scuttle away on its numerous spindly legs. It feeds on dirt. Scouring charms will rid a house of an infestation of Bundimuns, though if they have been allowed to grow too large, the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures (Pest Sub-Division) should be contacted before the house collapses. Diluted Bundimun secretion is used in certain magical cleaning fluids.

Mischief Managed!


Marauder's Map Review

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!


Finally my copy of the Marauder's Map reached me! I almost literally burst with excitement when I openend the package from The Noble Collection ! The Map including the display case costs $64.95(when you order it off of Elbenwald 69,90€, they get their products from The Noble Collection though). The paper the map is made of is really thick and feels like real parchment.

The frame is made of wood.
Embedded in the frame are little magnets to keep the display case shut without using hinges, a very elegant solution in my opinion.

The engraved ornaments in the corners of the display are golden, I'm sorry that they look kind of yellowish in this picture. To keep the map in place there are little black elastic bands in each corner. Still when you put the map on the wall it kind of slides down because the bands aren't tight enough to hold it in place. It doesn't bother me though.

This is what the map looks like when you open it in the middle. First there is an overview over Hogwarts' grounds including the Forbidden Forest and the Whomping Willow. When opening the map further you will have 'zoomed in' on Hogwarts castle.

This is how the map unfolds, revealing the interior of the castle.

Here are some of the rooms you can find on the map, I didn't want to take photos of all of them, since that would take all the fun out of discovering them for yourself.

I could look at the map for hours, there is always something to discover on it. The map measures 15.5 x 72 inches (39 x 184 cm) when open and folds to 15.5 x 8.25  inches (39 x 21 cm).
Measures 15.5 x 72 inches open, folds to 15.5 x 8.25 inches - See more at: http://www.noblecollection.com/Item--i-PRP-HP-7888#sthash.HR5CaOVe.dpuf
When I don't use the map it looks really cool up on the wall.

Though the map and display are quite expensive I would strongly recommend it for every Potterhead! It is one of the most important items Harry owns and having the map at home makes you feel closer to the wizarding world. I love this map and surely you will when you order yours! Let me hear your opinions on it!

Mischief Managed!