
9 Years Since Goblet of Fire Film!

I solemnly swear I am up to no good!

Today nine years ago Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire first appeared on screens. The movie is really good, but as in the other movies some (in my opinion) really important scenes have been left out or have been changed.

I really don't like the scene with the Hungarian Horntail during the First Task. To make the movie more interesting and to add some action to it, the dragon frees itself from the ropes that are MAGICALLY binding it. So that's just impossible, sorry Mike Newell.

I think every HP fan would have loved the movie to last forever, since I personally can never get enough of Harry Potter. It would've been great to add some scenes and characters from the books! I miss Winky and Dobby in the 4th movie! And why is Barty Crouch Jr. using Morsmordre on the campsite and not in the woods?
All those little differences between book and movie are being noticed by fans of the series...

Here's one of my favourite scenes from Goblet of Fire, mostly because I loooooove Fred and George! What is your favourite scene? Let me know!

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Mischief Managed!

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